// Why Roast?
When harvested from the berry, coffee beans are hard and inedible. Roasting the beans breaks down the sugars in the bean and makes them softer, allowing them to be ground and for water to pass through them.Roasting beans for different amounts of time can yield various flavor profiles. With home roasting, the user has the ability to try different roasts without buying an excess of beans.Green coffee beans are cheaper for the user than roasted beans, and home roasting can save the user money over time.
Coffee roasting has too long stayed in the context of a cafe. Home roasters aren’t designed to be used in the home and can often supplement a small cafe.
By integrating wireless technology, roasting at home can become just as easy as brewing the coffee while also being safer and more energy efficient.
// Who is this for?
Zach, 35
Roasts Coffee Twice A Week
“I need something that allows me more time to watch the kids and less time watching the coffee roast.”
Alan, 21
Has Never Roasted Coffee
“I’m willing to spend more time making a better cup of coffee in the morning as long as it isn’t too involved.”
Steven, 51
Professionally Roasts Coffee
“The [Coffee Roaster] market is aimed at small businesses and not towards your typical homeowner.”
McKenzie, 23
Has Never Roasted Coffee
“I have very little time in the morning to prepare coffee, but am interested in something that I can use on the weekends.”
// How do people roast coffee beans?
Drum Roasting
Drum roasting is the method of roasting that involves a rotating drum surrounded by heating elements. Due to the higher amount of components and complexity, prices can range anywhere from $300-$2000.
Fluid Bed Roasting
Fluid bed roasting involves constantly moving hot air through the beans in order to allow for the breakdown of sugars in the coffee beans. Many DIY enthusiasts use this method because it is relatively cheap and can be accomplished with a popcorn popper.
// How can this be worthy of the home?
// What is Arome?
Arome is an electric fluidized (air) roaster that functions on the same premise as a low cost popcorn popper.
With additional control and precision versus it's DIY counterparts, Arome gives users an easier and more convenient way to roast their coffee.
The shape of the roaster also allows for the user to comfortably pick it up and pour the roasted beans into a grinder or jar once they are roasted to satisfaction.
The electromagnetic connection between the base and chamber ensures a airtight connection as well as provides power to the upper half. When the chamber is rotated, magnetometers measures the rotation and change the temperature accordingly.
The main display is integrated into the vents of Arome. With power and fan buttons front and center, you can get started quickly and easily.
// How is Arome better?
Make it stand out
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
Using the connected application, users are given granular control, allowing for greater control over their roast.
With included bluetooth connectivity, the homeowner has complete control over the roast curve, allowing for precise control over the heat throughout the roasting process.
With two preprogrammed presets, users can quickly get started with Arome and test out what makes the best roast for them.
With the application installed, the phone will get notifications about the roasting process. This was a result of seeing how people have responsibilities that they often have to attend to while roasting coffee. When nearby, a small buzzer will sound to notify you about your roast being finished.